If you’re here I guess that you want to know a bit more about me, right?
In a nutshell, I’m curious 👀. I like to learn new things and I have 17 years of professional experience in the digital industry, mainly as a Product Owner and Project Manager for mobile apps 📱 and web projects. I’m interested in technologies, design, gaming, travelling, photography, sports 🏑... I like to code and design but only do it as a hobby.
In my spare time, I like to curate the web to keep myself up to date with the latest trends and discoveries, try some new technologies, play video games (just a little bit 😉) and explore the world 🌍.
Let me bring you back to the '90s when you received CD-ROMs 💿 of internet providers. These gave you a number of hours of free internet. While my parents were watching TV 📺, I secretly connected the computer 🖥 to the Internet with a long phone extension cord and, started using these free hours. Everything was fine until they tried to call someone and, caught me red-handed because the line had been busy for hours. 🚨
This is how it all started, I was curious to discover how it worked and, started to learn HTML, to code webpages, websites, mIRC scripts and other stuff. I grew up following web trends, designing with tables and images in the background, and then with CSS. That’s also when I started to play online multiplayer video games and specifically Counter-Strike, which was the most popular among most kids.
Food is a delicious topic, I’m all about good food with fresh organic products.